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Cabbages are richer in Vitamin C than oranges. Vitamin C in guava is five times more than in an orange. Many of us avoid eating nuts for fear of weight gain. Such fears are groundless. In fact, peoplewho consume nuts at least twice in a week are much less likely to gain weight than those who almost never eat nuts. Application of ginger juice on the navel provides relief from loose motion. Pouring ritha (soapnut) water in the nostrils provides relief from jaundice. Nutmeg mixed with a half boiled egg and honey acts as a sex tonic . It prolongs the duration of the sexual act if taken an hour before intercourse. Surprised ? Read on . . . .
An e-book is here just for this purpose.
Are you aware of all the natural remedies that Mother Nature has already provided us with? The answer should be NO , because nobody bothered to inform you and you also did not bother to find out. One sneeze and you rush to the doctor. A slight rumbling in the tummy and you stop eating out of fear. Your child develops a spot of skin rash and all hell breaks loose. Your nose starts bleeding all of a sudden, and you faint out of fright Do you need to behave like a madman at the slightest pretext? Well, the choice is yours. If you choose not to lose your sanity, then help is at hand, in fact, help is inside your kitchen.
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What to eat when you are down with a particular ailment? And what to avoid. 70 wonder foods and their amazing healing powers. 70 corresponding recipes with images. Nutritional value of the wonder foods. Nutritional value of the recipes. An exhaustive glossary with appropriate images. 464 pages fully loaded with info. Easy & user friendly navigational features helping you smoothly browse the e-book. An exhaustive glossary with appropriate images.
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