Sunday, May 12, 2013

Raw Food Diet Cravings | How to Conquer Your Cooked Food Cravings | Fit On Raw - Raw Food for Practical Fitness

Raw Food Diet Cravings | How to Conquer Your Cooked Food Cravings | Fit On Raw - Raw Food for Practical Fitness

Raw Food Diet Cravings | How to Conquer Your Cooked Food Cravings | Fit On Raw - Raw Food for Practical Fitness

How to Conquer Your Cooked Food Cravings Once and for All

A Guide for Destroying Cravings on a Raw Food Diet

Picture this: You are on cloud nine You were able to maintain a healthy raw food diet for an entire week and you feel utterly amazing.

You ve lost weight, your skin is clear and rosy, and your energy level is through the roof You just can't believe how great you feel.

Nothing could possibly spoil such a wonderfully raw and healthy week.

All of a sudden, your day takes a turn for the worse

You finally make it home after a grueling day, tired and absolutely ravenous. But unfortunately, the work isn t over yet. You still have to prepare a full cooked food dinner for your family

Usually, this is no problem for you. But tonight is much different.

You re tired. You re hungry. The utter confusion of the day has totally obliterated your confidence and motivation from that morning.

You finally finish preparing the family meal, but you just have no energy left to prepare a healthy raw meal for yourself. And you are so exhausted by this point that you just don t care anymore.

Why does everything have to be so difficult? Why can t you just eat cooked food like everyone else?

Before you know it, you re standing in front of the fridge stuffing your face with any fried, fatty, unhealthy and junky cooked food you can get your hands on.

The next morning you wake up to a headache, weight gain, low energy, and complete disgust. You re so desperate to end this horrible relationship with food , but you just have no idea where to start Your desperation increases and where do you turn to numb the pain?

That s right: unhealthy, energy-draining, nutrient-deficient cooked foods.

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