Monday, May 20, 2013

| Paleo Breakfast RecipesPaleo Breakfast Recipes

| Paleo Breakfast RecipesPaleo Breakfast Recipes

| Paleo Breakfast RecipesPaleo Breakfast Recipes

So you're on board with your Paleo diet. But how are you finding breakfast? Are you struggling to find the time and inspiration? Is breakfast letting your Paleo diet down?

I've been following a Paleo diet for three years and blog about it at the Paleo Network .

I used to really struggle with breakfast

When I stopped having cereal, toast and fruit juice for breakfast, I was left feeling like there were no options left

I used to feel really frustrated with such few options and feeling like I had to spend hours cooking and preparing breakfast something I just didn't have time for in my busy day.

When faced with no time, no options and hunger it becomes all to easy to give up on your paleo diet and grab a bowl of sugary cereal or some toast and set you on the path of an unhealthy unproductive day.

What if you had lots of quick, varied paleo breakfast recipes at your fingertips?

The Paleo Breakfast Recipe Book has over 100 pages of breakfast recipes to inspire and simplify your mornings, setting you up for a great day. Stunning photographs will inspire you to try lots of different breakfast recipes.

The book is split into chapters giving you a paleo breakfast recipe no matter what your tastes, cooking skills or how much time you have available.

I don't spend hours cooking you shouldn't have to either

When you have to get straight out of the door, these options won't hold you up and can be enjoyed as you travel.

Mornings are busy enough, these great breakfast options can be made in next to no time.

Missing a SAD favourite like porridge or oatmeal? Once you've tried the paleo version you'll never want to go back.

I'd really missed porridge, but the paleo version is even better Alan Jones, Sydney

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1 comment:

  1. Are You Having Trouble STICKING with the Paleo Diet?

    Want to eat healthy tasty recipes as soon as TONIGHT?

    Check out: Paleo Hacks Cookbook.
