From: Rohan and Alex two guys from Australia who are passionate about getting lean and eating well
To: Body fat sufferers looking for some answers
If we re spending so much more money on diets and fat burners than ever before, then:
We ll share our answers to these questions with you very soon when we cover The 3 Biggest Fat Loss Food Mistakes . But first, let us explain how we stumbled across a critical fat loss discovery. The discovery that
When we first set out on the quest for healthier and more sexually desirable bodies, like many others, we failed miserably. WHY? Because most of the diets and fat loss programs we d come across were just too damn hard. Why?
Because they banned all the tasty foods. Can you imagine trying to kiss chocolate goodbye forever? Even worse, most of the meals they told us to eat were tasteless and boring. And let s be honest, even if you could bear bland and soggy meals for a week or two, could you really give up the fun and flavour of your favorite foods long enough to get the body you want let alone keep it forever?
We certainly couldn t. Sooner or later, those delicious foods become irresistible. And when they do, it s game over.
But why did these programs want us to eat these boring foods anyway?
Because of one simple fact about fat loss
They told us to avoid tasty and delicious foods (which are packed full of fat and sugar) because eating them destroyed our energy deficits. Even worse, these foods would push us into something far worse: a situation called an ENERGY SURPLUS also know as the FAT GAINING zone.
Think of it like this, if you want to lose fat, then every day you have an energy deficit, you re taking one step closer towards the body of your dreams. On the flip side, every day that you have an energy surplus, you take one step further away from the body of your dreams and moving a little closer to the body shape that you might find distasteful and others might fund horrendous.
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